Music Player Application

HTML Structure

The HTML structure includes a navigation bar, a content section displaying trending music, and a list of songs with controls for playback.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar contains the logo, a search input, and icons for notifications and settings.

Content Section

This section displays the currently trending song with a "Listen Now" button.

Song List

The song list displays multiple songs with play icons, song names, and timestamps.

Bottom Section

The bottom section contains playback controls and a progress bar.

CSS Styling

The CSS provides styles for layout, fonts, and colors, enhancing the visual appeal of the player. Key elements include:


The background image is styled with a dark overlay.

Navigation Bar

Flexbox is used to align items horizontally.

Content and Song List

Flexbox and other properties ensure a responsive design.


CSS animations are used for rotating the cover image and scrolling song info.

JavaScript Functionality

The JavaScript code handles the audio playback, progress bar updates, and song list interactions. Key functionalities include:

Play/Pause Toggle

Clicking the play button toggles between playing and pausing the song.

Progress Bar Update

The progress bar updates as the song plays, and users can change the current time by interacting with the bar.

Song Selection

Clicking a song in the list plays that song and updates the displayed song name and cover image.

Next/Previous Buttons

These buttons allow users to navigate through the song list.

Enhancements and Fixes

To make the player more functional and user-friendly, consider the following enhancements and fixes:

Add Cover Images

The <img> tags in the song list should have src attributes pointing to actual images.

Fix Song Info Animation

Ensure the animation class is correctly added and removed to show the scrolling song info.

Responsive Design

Ensure the design adapts well to different screen sizes, especially mobile.

Dynamic Song List

Load the song list dynamically if possible, to easily update it without changing the HTML.

Live Link Github

Calculator Project

Developed a fully functional online calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The calculator performs basic arithmetic operations and includes additional functionalities such as square and square root calculations.

Technologies Used:


Key Contributions:

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